A Momentous Day

I don’t have a lot to say, but I wanted to mark this momentous day.

Hey, I rhymed! 😀

Today was the day it was announced that I have joined the Kyanite Publishing family. How about that. Your boy getting signed by a Publisher.

I honestly never thought it would happen.

I was content to stay an indie author for… well, for the foreseeable future. I’m not one to think very highly of myself. I’m also not one to give up even a sliver of control.

But I want people to read my books. That requires some spot-on advertising and networking. Those are two things I am severely lacking in, hard as that is to admit. I still feared getting lost in some sort of mega book-pooping machine.

Kyanite Publishing is a very happy medium for me. They’re small enough to know — and care — who I am, but with the talent and weight to get my books in front of readers like I never could have dreamed. It’s the perfect balance.

I see great things not just for myself, but for this publisher. May we grow together in our pursuit to bring quality writing to the masses. I raise my glass to thee.

Take a moment to check out Kyanite Publishing, if you haven’t already. You’ll be seeing my own work there before you know it. 🙂

Until next time.
